物理代写|核物理代写nuclear physics代考|PHY471

Doug I. Jones

Doug I. Jones

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物理代写|核物理代写nuclear physics代考|PHY471

物理代写|核物理代写nuclear physics代考|Discovery of Fission

In 1934 Enrico Fermi, performed experiments in which he bombarded uranium with neutrons [70], thereby provoking transmutation of the nucleus. Uranium, with atomic number 92 , is the heaviest of the naturally occurring elements. Fermi speculated that in some cases the neutron-rich uranium underwent $\beta$-decay to create neptunium, the first transuranic element. ${ }^1$ However, Ida Noddack suggested that rather than the production of neptunium, the neutron bombardment had caused the uranium nucleus to split into two smaller nuclei [71]. The process of such splitting (induced or spontaneous) is called nuclear “fission”. We can see from Fig.3.2, which shows the distribution of binding energies per nucleon, that this process is energetically possible. For the heavier elements, such as uranium, the binding energy per nucleon is considerably lower than for elements in the middle of the periodic table, such as iron or nickel. This means that it is energetically favourable for a heavy nucleus (with atomic mass number greater than about 150) to split into two fragments of smaller nuclei, thereby releasing energy which goes into the kinetic energy of the fragments. A typical fission process releases around $200 \mathrm{MeV}$.
This hypothesis was verified in 1939 by Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann, who identified barium as one of the elements produced during the neutron bombardment of uranium [72].

The mechanism by which fission occurs was expounded by Lisa Meitner and her nephew Otto Frisch.

The classical picture is displayed in Fig. 9.1. The nucleus starts off (almost) spherical and then becomes distorted into an (azimuthally symmetric) ellipsoid, (b). Further distortion causes the nucleus to develop a “neck” (c). This is known as the “saddle point”. After further deformation, the two sides of the neck separate (d) into two different nuclei with smaller atomic number and atomic mass number. The point of separation is called the “scission point”.

物理代写|核物理代写nuclear physics代考|Spontaneous Fission

For the fission stable nuclides, the energy initially increases as the nucleus becomes less spherical (N.B. a decrease in binding energy means an increase in the rest energy of the nucleus), as shown in Fig. 9.2.

The energy increases for the ellipsoidal configuration (b) of Fig. 9.1, reaching a maximum at (c) where the neck is formed and then the energy decreases and the two fission fragments separate at (d). Although such a potential makes the nucleus classically stable against fission, spontaneous fission can nevertheless occur via quantum tunnelling in a similar way to the quantum tunnelling, which leads to $\alpha$ decay. Spontaneous fission is far less likely than $\alpha$-decay, but it does occur, albeit with half-lives which are much longer than the half-life for $\alpha$-decay. Spontaneous fission of ${ }{92}^{238} \mathrm{U}$ was first observed in 1940 by Konstantin Petrzhak and Georgy Flerov [75]. The fission half-life of ${ }{92}^{238} \mathrm{U}$ is around $10^{16}$ years – compared with the $\alpha$-decay half-life of $4.5 \times 10^9$ years.

We can make an order-of-magnitude estimate of the height of the fission potential barrier. Suppose the two fission fragments have atomic numbers $Z_1$ and $Z_2$, respectively, and atomic mass numbers $A_1$ and $A_2$. The nuclear radii of the fragments are given by $r_1=r_0 A_1^{1 / 3}$ and $r_2=r_0 A_2^{1 / 3}$. The potential maximum, $V_{\max }$, is reached just at the point of separation of two fission fragments (the scission point) and is equal to the Coulomb potential for two electrically charged spheres with charges $Z_1 e$ and $Z_2 e$ whose centres are separated by $r_1+r_2$, as shown in Fig. 9.3.
V_{\max }=\frac{Z_1 Z_2 \alpha \hbar c}{r_0\left(A_1^{1 / 3}+A_2^{1 / 3}\right)} .

The fission energy released, $Q$, is the difference between initial potential energy and the final potential energy (when the fission products are widely separated), which is equal to the difference between the sum of the binding energy of the fission fragments and the binding energy of the parent.
Q=B\left(A_1, Z_1\right)+B\left(A_2, Z_2\right)-B\left(A, Z_1+Z_2\right) .
The height, $V_{\text {height, }}$, of the potential barrier is the difference between the potential energy at scission the point (9.1) and the fission energy release, as shown in Fig. $9.4$
V_{\text {height }}=V_{\max }-Q \text {, }
with $V_{\max }$ and $Q$ given by (9.1) and (9.2), respectively.
The estimate obtained from (9.3) is not very good, because it involves the small difference between almost equal quantities ( $Q$ is of order $200 \mathrm{MeV}$, whereas the barrier height is of order $10 \mathrm{MeV}$ ) so that any fractional error in the estimate of either $Q$ or $V_{\max }$ is amplified in the determination of the barrier height. Furthermore, (9.1) overestimates $V_{\max }$ since it assumes that when the fragments separate they can be considereed as spherical charge distributions, which is not the casee.

A more careful estimate of fission barrier heights [76] is shown in Fig. 9.5, which also shows corrections to these estimates from the effects of the Shell Model. Note the substantial increase in barrier heights where either the number of protons or the number of neutrons is equal to a magic number.

物理代写|核物理代写nuclear physics代考|PHY471



1934年,恩里科·费米(Enrico Fermi)进行了用中子轰击铀的实验[70],从而引发了原子核的嬗变。铀的原子序数为92,是自然存在的元素中最重的。费米推测,在某些情况下,富含中子的铀发生了变化 $\beta$衰变产生镎,这是第一种超铀元素。 ${ }^1$ 然而,Ida Noddack认为,与其说是产生了镎,不如说是中子轰击导致铀核分裂成两个更小的核[71]。这种分裂的过程(诱发的或自发的)被称为核裂变。从图3.2中可以看出,这个过程在能量上是可能的,图3.2显示了每个核子结合能的分布。对于较重的元素,如铀,每核子的结合能要比元素周期表中处于中间位置的元素,如铁或镍,低得多。这意味着在能量上有利于一个重的原子核(原子质量数大于150左右)分裂成两个小原子核碎片,从而释放出能量,成为碎片的动能。典型的裂变过程在周围释放 $200 \mathrm{MeV}$这一假设在1939年被Otto Hahn和Fritz Strassmann证实,他们确定钡是铀在中子轰击过程中产生的元素之一[72]

裂变发生的机制是由Lisa Meitner和她的侄子Otto Frisch阐述的




对于图9.1的椭球构型(b),能量增加,在(c)处达到最大值,在(c)处形成颈部,然后能量下降,两个裂变碎片在(d)处分离。尽管这样的势使核在经典的裂变中保持稳定,但自发裂变仍然可以通过与量子隧穿类似的方式通过量子隧穿发生,导致$\alpha$衰变。自发裂变的可能性远低于$\alpha$ -decay,但它确实会发生,尽管它的半衰期比$\alpha$ -decay的半衰期长得多。1940年,Konstantin Petrzhak和Georgy Flerov[75]首次观察到${ }{92}^{238} \mathrm{U}$的自发裂变。${ }{92}^{238} \mathrm{U}$的裂变半衰期约为$10^{16}$年,而$\alpha$的衰变半衰期为$4.5 \times 10^9$年

我们可以对裂变势垒的高度作出一个数量级的估计。假设两个裂变碎片的原子序数分别为$Z_1$和$Z_2$,原子质量序数分别为$A_1$和$A_2$。碎片的核半径由$r_1=r_0 A_1^{1 / 3}$和$r_2=r_0 A_2^{1 / 3}$给出。电势最大值$V_{\max }$刚好在两个裂变碎片的分离点(分裂点)处达到,它等于两个带电荷的球(中心被$r_1+r_2$隔开)的库仑势$Z_1 e$和$Z_2 e$。
V_{\max }=\frac{Z_1 Z_2 \alpha \hbar c}{r_0\left(A_1^{1 / 3}+A_2^{1 / 3}\right)} .

裂变能被释放, $Q$,为初始势能与最终势能之差(裂变产物广泛分离时),等于裂变碎片结合能与母体结合能之和之差。
Q=B\left(A_1, Z_1\right)+B\left(A_2, Z_2\right)-B\left(A, Z_1+Z_2\right) .
$V_{\text {height, }}$势垒的值为分裂点(9.1)的势能与裂变能释放的差值,如图所示。 $9.4$
V_{\text {height }}=V_{\max }-Q \text {, }
with $V_{\max }$ 和 $Q$ 分别由(9.1)和(9.2)给出。从(9.3)得到的估计不是很好,因为它涉及到几乎相等的量( $Q$ 有秩序 $200 \mathrm{MeV}$,而障壁高度则符合规定 $10 \mathrm{MeV}$ ),因此,任何估算中的微小误差 $Q$ 或 $V_{\max }$ 在确定势垒高度时被放大。此外,(9.1)高估了 $V_{\max }$ 因为它假设当碎片分离时,它们可以被认为是球形电荷分布,但事实并非如此


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有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





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