数学代写|图论作业代写Graph Theory代考|Flows in networks

Doug I. Jones

Doug I. Jones

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数学代写|图论作业代写Graph Theory代考|Flows in networks

数学代写|图论作业代写Graph Theory代考|Flows in networks

In this section we give a brief introduction to the kind of network flow theory that is now a standard proof technique in areas such as matching and connectivity. By way of example, we shall prove a classic result of this theory, the so-called max-flow min-cut theorem of Ford and Fulkerson. This theorem alone implies Menger’s theorem without much difficulty (Exercise 3), which indicates some of the natural power lying in this approach.

Consider the task of modelling a network with one source $s$ and one sink $t$, in which the amount of flow through a given link between two nodes is subject to a certain capacity of that link. Our aim is to determine the maximum net amount of flow through the network from $s$ to $t$. Somehow, this will depend both on the structure of the network and on the various capacities of its connections – how exactly, is what we wish to find out.

Let $G=(V, E)$ be a multigraph, $s, t \in V$ two fixed vertices, and c: $\vec{E} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ a map; we call $c$ a capacity function on $G$, and the tuple $N:=(G, s, t, c)$ a network. Note that $c$ is defined independently for the two directions of an edge. A function $f: \vec{E} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is a flow in $N$ if it satisfies the following three conditions (Fig. 6.2.1):

(F1) $f(e, x, y)=-f(e, y, x)$ for all $(e, x, y) \in \vec{E}$ with $x \neq y$;
$\left(\mathrm{F}^{\prime}\right) f(v, V)=0$ for all $v \in V \backslash{s, t}$;
(F3) $f(\vec{e}) \leqslant c(\vec{e})$ for all $\vec{e} \in \vec{E}$.

数学代写|图论作业代写Graph Theory代考|Group-valued flows

Let $G=(V, E)$ be a multigraph and $H$ an abelian group. If $f$ and $g$ are two $H$-circulations then, clearly, $(f+g): \vec{e} \mapsto f(\vec{e})+g(\vec{e})$ and $-f: \vec{e} \mapsto-f(\vec{e})$ are again $H$-circulations. The $H$-circulations on $G$ thus form a group in a natural way.

A function $f: \vec{E} \rightarrow H$ is nowhere zero if $f(\vec{e}) \neq 0$ for all $\vec{e} \in \vec{E}$. An $H$-circulation that is nowhere zero is called an $H$-flow. ${ }^4$ Note that the set of $H$-flows on $G$ is not closed under addition: if two $H$-flows add up to zero on some edge $\vec{e}$, then their sum is no longer an $H$-flow. By Corollary 6.1.2, a graph with an $H$-flow cannot have a bridge.

For finite groups $H$, the number of $H$-flows on $G$-and, in particular, their existence surprisingly depends only on the order of $H$, not on $H$ itself:
Theorem 6.3.1. (Tutte 1954)
For every multigraph $G$ there exists a polynomial $P$ such that, for any finite abelian group $H$, the number of $H$-flows on $G$ is $P(|H|-1)$.

Proof. Let $G=:(V, E)$; we use induction on $m:=|E|$. Let us assume first that all the edges of $G$ are loops. Then, given any finite abelian group $H$, every map $\vec{E} \rightarrow H \backslash{0}$ is an $H$-flow on $G$. Since $|\vec{E}|=|E|$ when all edges are loops, there are $(|H|-1)^m$ such maps, and $P:=x^m$ is the polynomial sought.

Now assume there is an edge $e_0=x y \in E$ that is not a loop; let $\vec{e}_0:=\left(e_0, x, y\right)$ and $E^{\prime}:=E \backslash\left{e_0\right}$. We consider the multigraphs
G_1:=G-e_0 \text { and } G_2:=G / e_0 .
By the induction hypothesis, there are polynomials $P_i$ for $i=1,2$ such that, for any finite abelian group $H$ and $k:=|H|-1$, the number of $H$-flows on $G_i$ is $P_i(k)$. We shall prove that the number of $H$-flows on $G$ equals $P_2(k)-P_1(k)$; then $P:=P_2-P_1$ is the desired polynomial.
Let $H$ be given, and denote the set of all $H$-flows on $G$ by $F$. We are trying to show that
|F|=P_2(k)-P_1(k) .

数学代写|图论作业代写Graph Theory代考|Flows in networks


数学代写|图论作业代写Graph Theory代考|Flows in networks



设$G=(V, E)$为多图,$s, t \in V$为两个固定顶点,c: $\vec{E} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$为地图;我们将$c$称为$G$上的容量函数,将元组$N:=(G, s, t, c)$称为网络。请注意,对于一条边的两个方向,$c$是独立定义的。函数$f: \vec{E} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$满足以下三个条件,即为$N$中的流(图6.2.1):

(F1) $f(e, x, y)=-f(e, y, x)$表示所有$(e, x, y) \in \vec{E}$和$x \neq y$;
所有人$\left(\mathrm{F}^{\prime}\right) f(v, V)=0$$v \in V \backslash{s, t}$;
(F3) $f(\vec{e}) \leqslant c(\vec{e})$为所有$\vec{e} \in \vec{E}$。

数学代写|图论作业代写Graph Theory代考|Group-valued flows

设$G=(V, E)$为多图,$H$为阿贝尔群。如果$f$和$g$是两个$H$ -循环,那么很明显,$(f+g): \vec{e} \mapsto f(\vec{e})+g(\vec{e})$和$-f: \vec{e} \mapsto-f(\vec{e})$又是$H$ -循环。因此,$G$上的$H$ -循环以一种自然的方式形成一个群体。

如果一个函数$f: \vec{E} \rightarrow H$对于所有的$\vec{e} \in \vec{E}$都是$f(\vec{e}) \neq 0$,那么它就不可能是零。任何地方都不是零的$H$循环称为$H$流。${ }^4$请注意,$G$上的$H$ -流的集合在加法下不是封闭的:如果两个$H$ -流在某些边$\vec{e}$上相加为零,那么它们的和不再是$H$ -流。根据推论6.1.2,具有$H$ -流的图不能有桥。

对于有限群$H$, $G$上的$H$流的数量,特别是,它们的存在令人惊讶地只取决于$H$的顺序,而不取决于$H$本身:
定理6.3.1。(Tutte, 1954)
对于每一个多图$G$,存在一个多项式$P$,使得对于任何有限阿贝尔群$H$, $G$上的$H$ -流的个数为$P(|H|-1)$。

证明。让$G=:(V, E)$;我们在$m:=|E|$上使用归纳。首先假设$G$的所有边都是循环。然后,给定任意有限阿贝尔群$H$,每个映射$\vec{E} \rightarrow H \backslash{0}$都是$G$上的$H$ -流。因为$|\vec{E}|=|E|$当所有的边都是环时,有$(|H|-1)^m$这样的映射,$P:=x^m$是要寻找的多项式。

现在假设有一条边$e_0=x y \in E$它不是一个循环;让$\vec{e}_0:=\left(e_0, x, y\right)$和$E^{\prime}:=E \backslash\left{e_0\right}$。我们考虑多重图
G_1:=G-e_0 \text { and } G_2:=G / e_0 .
根据归纳假设,对于$i=1,2$存在多项式$P_i$,使得对于任何有限阿贝尔群$H$和$k:=|H|-1$, $G_i$上的$H$ -flow的数量为$P_i(k)$。我们将证明$G$上的$H$流数等于$P_2(k)-P_1(k)$;那么$P:=P_2-P_1$就是我们想要的多项式。
|F|=P_2(k)-P_1(k) .

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