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图论Graph Theory通过熟悉许多过去和现在对图论的发展负责的人,可以增强对图论的欣赏。因此,我们收录了一些关于“图论人士”的有趣评论。因为我们相信这些人是图论故事的一部分,所以我们在文中讨论了他们,而不仅仅是作为脚注。我们常常没有认识到数学是一门有生命的学科。图论是人类创造的,是一门仍在不断发展的学科。
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数学代写|图论作业代写Graph Theory代考|Algebraic planarity criteria
One of the most conspicuous features of a plane graph $G$ are its facial cycles, the cycles that bound a face. If $G$ is 2 -connected it is covered by its facial cycles, so in a sense these form a ‘large’ set. In fact, the set of facial cycles is large even in the sense that they generate the entire cycle space: every cycle in $G$ is easily seen to be the sum of the facial cycles (see below). On the other hand, the facial cycles only cover $G$ ‘thinly’, as every edge lies on at most two of them. Our first aim in this section is to show that the existence of such a large yet thinly spread family of cycles is not only a conspicuous feature of planarity but lies at its very heart: it characterizes it.
Let $G=(V, E)$ be any graph. We call a subset $\mathcal{F}$ of its edge space $\mathcal{E}(G)$ simple if every edge of $G$ lies in at most two sets of $\mathcal{F}$. For example, the cut space $\mathcal{C}^*(G)$ has a simple basis: according to Proposition 1.9.3 it is generated by the cuts $E(v)$ formed by all the edges at a given vertex $v$, and an edge $x y \in G$ lies in $E(v)$ only for $v=x$ and for $v=y$.
Theorem 4.5.1. (MacLane 1937)
A graph is planar if and only if its cycle space has a simple basis.
Proof. The assertion being trivial for graphs of order at most 2, we consider a graph $G$ of order at least 3. If $\kappa(G) \leqslant 1$, then $G$ is the union of two proper induced subgraphs $G_1, G_2$ with $\left|G_1 \cap G_2\right| \leqslant 1$. Then $\mathcal{C}(G)$ is the direct sum of $\mathcal{C}\left(G_1\right)$ and $\mathcal{C}\left(G_2\right)$, and hence has a simple basis if and only if both $\mathcal{C}\left(G_1\right)$ and $\mathcal{C}\left(G_2\right)$ do (proof?). Moreover, $G$ is planar if and only if both $G_1$ and $G_2$ are: this follows at once from Kuratowski’s theorem, but also from easy geometrical considerations. The assertion for $G$ thus follows inductively from those for $G_1$ and $G_2$. For the rest of the proof, we now assume that $G$ is 2-connected.
数学代写|图论作业代写Graph Theory代考|Plane duality
In this section we shall use MacLane’s theorem to uncover another connection between planarity and algebraic structure: a connection between the duality of plane graphs, defined below, and the duality of the cycle and cut space hinted at in Chapters 1.9 and 2.4.
A plane multigraph is a pair $G=(V, E)$ of finite sets (of vertices and edges, respectively) satisfying the following conditions:
(i) $V \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$;
(ii) every edge is either an arc between two vertices or a polygon containing exactly one vertex (its endpoint);
(iii) apart from its own endpoint(s), an edge contains no vertex and no point of any other edge.
We shall use terms defined for plane graphs freely for plane multigraphs. Note that, as in abstract multigraphs, both loops and double edges count as cycles.
Let us consider the plane multigraph $G$ shown in Figure 4.6.1. Let us place a new vertex inside each face of $G$ and link these new vertices up to form another plane multigraph $G^$, as follows: for every edge $e$ of $G$ we link the two new vertices in the faces incident with $e$ by an edge $e^$ crossing $e$; if $e$ is incident with only one face, we attach a loop $e^$ to the new vertex in that face, again crossing the edge $e$. The plane multigraph $G^$ formed in this way is then dual to $G$ in the following sense: if we apply the same procedure as above to $G^$, we obtain a plane multigraph very similar to $G$; in fact, $G$ itself may be reobtained from $G^$ in this way.

数学代写|图论作业代写Graph Theory代考|Algebraic planarity criteria
设$G=(V, E)$为任意图形。我们称其边空间$\mathcal{E}(G)$的子集$\mathcal{F}$为简单,如果$G$的每条边最多位于两个$\mathcal{F}$集合中。例如,切割空间$\mathcal{C}^*(G)$有一个简单的基础:根据命题1.9.3,它是由给定顶点$v$上的所有边形成的切割$E(v)$产生的,并且一条边$x y \in G$只在$v=x$和$v=y$上位于$E(v)$。
证明。这个断言对于阶数最多为2的图是微不足道的,我们考虑阶数至少为3的图$G$。如果$\kappa(G) \leqslant 1$,则$G$是两个适当诱导子图$G_1, G_2$与$\left|G_1 \cap G_2\right| \leqslant 1$的并集。那么$\mathcal{C}(G)$是$\mathcal{C}\left(G_1\right)$和$\mathcal{C}\left(G_2\right)$的直接和,因此有一个简单的基础当且仅当$\mathcal{C}\left(G_1\right)$和$\mathcal{C}\left(G_2\right)$都是(证明?)此外,$G$是平面的当且仅当$G_1$和$G_2$都是平面的:这不仅是由库拉托夫斯基定理得出的,而且也是由简单的几何考虑得出的。因此,$G$的断言归纳地遵循$G_1$和$G_2$的断言。对于剩下的证明,我们现在假设$G$是2连通的。
数学代写|图论作业代写Graph Theory代考|Plane duality
平面多重图是一对(分别由顶点和边组成)满足以下条件的有限集合$G=(V, E)$:
(i) $V \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$;

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