经济代写|供应链管理代写supply chain management代考|PROJMGNT7030

Doug I. Jones

Doug I. Jones

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经济代写|供应链管理代写supply chain management代考|PROJMGNT7030

经济代写|供应链管理代写supply chain management代考|The Application of Blockchain

We’ll try to describe what blockchain technology can do in terms of applications in this part, based on various use cases. Then we’ll try to figure out what the most common forms of theoretical blockchain applications are.

Blockchain can be applied in a variety of sectors; in this section, I’ll mention a few of them.

A smart contract is a type of contract that is used. Let’s go over the basics of a smart contract. It’s a piece of software that’s tied to a blockchain account. This code contains specific instructions and routines that enable the creation of operating rules. When someone sends a message to the account associated with the computer code, for example, the latter is performed with the message sent as a parameter.
By filling out an online questionnaire, the startup Otonomos assists companies commencing the blockchain journey in forming a legal entity in Singapore. The holder(s) then own the entity created using a cryptographic address and a private and public key. As a result, Otonomos provides a peer-to-peer (P2P) administration system for the company’s shares. Smart contracts can also be used to set governance rules in this system (Herbert and Litchfield, 2015).
On the other hand, the startup Symbiont has developed a smart contract-based solution for managing financial transactions automatically. For example, once a security is issued on Symbiont’s register, it becomes self-contained, eliminating the need for middle and back-office operations. The business, which has teamed up with Gemalto to safeguard and encrypt transaction data, can now automate many of the manual processes still in use in the financial sector.

经济代写|供应链管理代写supply chain management代考|Application Factors of Blockchain

Blockchain technology is based on the principle of proof of work, which guarantees the generation of a new block of transactions, which in theory cannot be modified. This is one of the most important aspects of this technology since it ensures that the security of the data is not compromised when a block is registered on a blockchain. The integrity of the data is thus ensured and the users of the blockchain do not have any doubts about the level of reliability of the data. As an example, we can imagine a “patent filing” type of transaction, linked to the person who owns it. The action of depositing one’s patent on the blockchain provides non-refutable proof of the patent’s ownership. Moreover, the patent would hypothetically no longer have to be filed with a public body or institution, or at least the proof of ownership could be justified by the presence of this transaction on the blockchain. An additional benefit is the prevention of fraud (Toyoda et al., 2017). One could also imagine a malicious accountant wanting to change the account lines of the company he works for. However, storing a company’s financial documents in the blockchain would ensure unalterable and visible account books. Thus, the use of blockchain in accounting could alleviate some of the problems of fraud.

The issue of security and personal data is a central question for many people. In order to secure the privacy and data of each user, blockchain-based applications can enable more advanced services than most traditional applications. Let’s take the case of a mobile application. Typically, when installing an application, personal data is at the heart of the process: When accepting the installation terms: ownership of the data is transferred to the application publisher, and permissions that allow the publisher to use the data are granted. Throughout the application’s lifecycle, the data is not traceable by the user. In a blockchain application, data usage would be different: Users can control all their data, and access it. Users can be the owners of their data (Gao et al., 2018). The user has the ability to give or take back permission to access their personal data. The identity of the users is protected by the private and public key systems explained in the first part (Miraz et al., 2018).

经济代写|供应链管理代写supply chain management代考|PROJMGNT7030


经济代写|供应链管理代写supply chain management代考|The Application of Blockchain



通过填写在线问卷,初创公司 Otonomos 协助公司开始区块链之旅,在新加坡组建法人实体。持有者然后拥有使用加密地址和私钥和公钥创建的实体。因此,Oto​​nomos 为公司股票提供了点对点 (P2P) 管理系统。智能合约也可用于在该系统中设置治理规则(Herbert 和 Litchfield,2015 年)。
另一方面,初创公司 Symbiont 开发了一种基于智能合约的解决方案,用于自动管理金融交易。例如,一旦证券在 Symbiont 的登记册上发行,它就变得独立,无需中间和后台操作。该企业已与金雅拓合作保护和加密交易数据,现在可以将金融领域仍在使用的许多手动流程自动化。

经济代写|供应链管理代写supply chain management代考|Application Factors of Blockchain

区块链技术基于工作量证明原理,保证了新交易区块的生成,理论上无法修改。这是这项技术最重要的方面之一,因为它确保在区块链上注册区块时数据的安全性不会受到损害。从而确保了数据的完整性,区块链的用户对数据的可靠性水平没有任何怀疑。例如,我们可以想象一种“专利申请”类型的交易,与拥有它的人相关联。将专利存放在区块链上的行为提供了专利所有权的无可辩驳的证据。此外,假设该专利不再需要向公共机构或机构提交,或者至少可以通过区块链上存在该交易来证明所有权证明。另一个好处是防止欺诈(Toyoda 等人,2017 年)。还可以想象一个怀有恶意的会计师想要更改他工作的公司的帐户行。但是,将公司的财务文件存储在区块链中将确保不可更改和可见的账簿。因此,在会计中使用区块链可以缓解一些欺诈问题。

安全和个人数据问题是许多人的核心问题。为了保护每个用户的隐私和数据,基于区块链的应用程序可以提供比大多数传统应用程序更高级的服务。让我们以移动应用程序为例。通常,在安装应用程序时,个人数据是流程的核心: 接受安装条款时:数据的所有权转移给应用程序发布者,并授予发布者使用数据的权限。在应用程序的整个生命周期中,用户无法追踪数据。在区块链应用程序中,数据使用会有所不同:用户可以控制和访问他们的所有数据。用户可以成为其数据的所有者(Gao 等人,2018 年)。用户可以授予或收回访问其个人数据的权限。用户的身份受到第一部分中解释的私钥和公钥系统的保护(Miraz 等人,2018 年)。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


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