物理代写|固体物理代写Solid-state physics代考|PHYSICS3544

Doug I. Jones

Doug I. Jones

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物理代写|固体物理代写Solid-state physics代考|PHYSICS3544

物理代写|固体物理代写Solid-state physics代考|The Brillouin zone

The conventional way to generate the reciprocal primitive unit cell is by following the Wigner-Seitz construction: the resulting cell is referred to as the first Brillouin zone. By construction, it contains all the wavevectors that are not linked by a reciprocal translational vector $\mathbf{G}$. Its volume is $(2 \pi)^{3} / V_{\mathrm{c}}$, where $V_{\mathrm{c}}$ is the volume of the primitive unit cell of the corresponding direct lattice defined in equation (2.2). We remark that the use of the adjective ‘first’ will be clear when discussing the vibrational and electronic properties of crystalline solids. We will hereafter make use of the acronym $1 \mathrm{BZ}$ to indicate the first Brillouin zone.

The boundaries of the $1 \mathrm{BZ}$ are given by planes which, as explained in the previous section, are in turn defined by means of reciprocal lattice vectors. The general principle is that the $1 B Z$ is the smallest volume in the reciprocal space which is enclosed by planes normally bisecting reciprocal lattice vectors drawn for the origin. With reference to table $2.2$, we can calculate that the boundary planes of the $1 \mathrm{BZ}$ for the three cubic lattices are defined as follows (the $1 \mathrm{BZ}$ of the hexagonal lattice is added for completeness):

  • simple cubic lattice: take the six planes normal to the vectors $\pm 2 \pi \hat{\mathrm{i}} / a, \pm 2 \pi \hat{\mathrm{j}} / a$, and $\pm 2 \pi \hat{\mathrm{k}} / a$ at their midpoints: they define a cubic volume;
  • body-centred cubic lattice: take the 12 planes normal to the vectors $2 \pi(\pm \hat{j} \pm \mathrm{k}) / a, 2 \pi(\pm \hat{k} \pm \hat{\hat{i}}) / a$, and $2 \pi(\pm \hat{\mathrm{i}} \pm \hat{\mathrm{j}}) / a$ at their midpoints: they define a rhombic dodecahedron volume;
  • face-centred cubic lattice: take the eight planes normal to the vectors $2 \pi(\pm \hat{i} \pm \hat{j} \pm \hat{k}) / a$ at their midpoints and further cut them by another set of six planes bisecting the reciprocal lattice vectors $\pm 4 \pi \hat{\mathrm{i}} / a, \pm 4 \pi \hat{\mathrm{j}} / a$, and $\pm 4 \pi \hat{\mathrm{k}} / a$ : the resulting volume is a truncated octahedron.

A number of high symmetry lines and points can be identified as shown in figure $2.16$ by red lines and black dots, respectively. High-symmetry points of the $1 \mathrm{BZ}$ typically lie at the centre of the zone, edges, and faces, as well as at the corner points. They play an important role in solid state physics: whenever we need to visualise a crystalline physical property depending upon a wavevector ${ }^{11}$, the conventional choice is to follow the path marked in red colour in figure 2.16, corresponding to the edges of the so called irreducible part of the $1 \mathrm{BZ}$. For further reference, we report a standard labelling used for fcc crystals to indicate some highsymmetry directions: the three directions connecting the $\Gamma$ zone-centre to the $X, K$, and $L$ point are indicated as $\Delta, \Sigma$, and $\Lambda$, respectively.

物理代写|固体物理代写Solid-state physics代考|Lattice defects

The property of translational invariance extensively discussed in the previous sections generates ideally perfect crystalline structures. This is valid if we either consider an infinite lattice or apply Born-von Karman periodic boundary conditions. While useful in many circumstances to develop the constitutive ideas of solid state physics, this idealised situation is surely a strong approximation to reality: in fact, perfect crystals do not exist since at any finite temperature a solid state system does contains defects, i.c. lattice imperfections, that locally break the translational invariance. Their role is key in affecting many physical properties like, for instance, the transport of electric charge or thermal energy.

We will prove the unavoidable presence of defects in crystals by applying a simple thermodynamical argument to a monoatomic Bravais lattice containing $N$ atoms and kept at constant non-vanishing temperature $T$ and pressure $P$. Its energy content is provided by the Gibbs free energy $\mathcal{G}=\mathcal{U}-T S+P V=\mathcal{H}-T S$, where $\mathcal{U}$ and $\mathcal{H}=\mathcal{U}+P V$ are the internal energy and enthalpy, respectively (in appendix $\mathrm{C}$, reference is made to the thermodynamic potentials used in this demonstration). The generation of a lattice defect (we mean: the local alteration of the crystal structure) requires a work
\Delta \mathcal{H}{\mathrm{f}}=\mathcal{H}-\mathcal{H}{0} \text {, }
known as the formation energy of the defect. In this equation $\mathcal{H}_{0}$ represents the enthalpy of the pristine ideal crystal. In order to make physical concepts clear, we consider the actual case of a lattice vacancy and a self-interstitial defect: in the first case, a single atom is removed and taken far away from the crystal, while in the former case an extra atom of the same chemical nature is added to the crystal in a position not corresponding to any lattice point ${ }^{12}$. These defects are named native, since the chemistry of the crystal is unaffected by their existence. While these are specific (but realistic) situations, the reasoning developed below will lead to conclusions of general validity. We will further assume that the crystal is always in thermodynamical equilibrium, even after defects have been generated in it. A more thorough discussion on the formation of crystal defects is found elsewhere $[16,17]$.

物理代写|固体物理代写Solid-state physics代考|PHYSICS3544


物理代写|固体物理代写Solid-state physics代考|The Brillouin zone

生成互易原始晶胞的常规方法是茴循 Wigner-Seitz 构造: 生成的晶胞称为第一布里渊区。 通过构造,它包含所有末通过互易平移向量链接的波向量 $\mathbf{G}$. 它的体积是 $(2 \pi)^{3} / V_{\mathrm{c}}$ ,在哪 里 $V_{\mathrm{c}}$ 是方程 (2.2) 中定义的相应直接晶格的原始晶胞的体积。我们注意到,在讨论结晶固 体的振动和电子特性时,形容词“第一”的使用会很清楚。我们将在以后使用首字母缩略词 $1 \mathrm{BZ}$ 表示第一个布里渊区。
的边界 $1 \mathrm{BZ}$ 由平面给出,如上一节所述,这些平面又由倒易晶格向量定义。一般原则是 $1 B Z$ 是倒易空间中的最小体积,它由通常平分为原点絵制的倒易晶格向量的平面包围。参 照表 $2.2$ ,我们可以计算出 $1 \mathrm{BZ}$ 对于三个立方晶格定义如下(1BZ为了完整起见,添加了 六边形晶格):

  • 简单立方晶格: 取垂直于向量的六个平面 $\pm 2 \pi \hat{\mathrm{i}} / a, \pm 2 \pi \hat{\mathrm{j}} / a ,$ 和 $\pm 2 \pi \hat{\mathrm{k}} / a$ 在它 们的中点:它们定义了一个立方体积;
  • 体心立方晶格: 取垂直于向量的 12 个平面 $2 \pi(\pm \hat{j} \pm \mathrm{k}) / a, 2 \pi(\pm \hat{k} \pm \hat{\hat{i}}) / a$ , 和 $2 \pi(\pm \hat{\mathrm{i}} \pm \hat{\mathrm{j}}) / a$ 在它们的中点: 它们定义了一个唟形十二面体体积;
  • 面心立方晶格: 取垂直于向量的八个平面 $2 \pi(\pm \hat{i} \pm \hat{j} \pm \hat{k}) / a$ 在它们的中点,并 通过另一组六个平面进一步切割它们,将倒易晶格向量一分为二 $\pm 4 \pi \hat{\mathrm{i}} / a, \pm 4 \pi \hat{\mathrm{j}} / a ,$ 和 $\pm 4 \pi \hat{\mathrm{k}} / a$ : 生成的体积是截断的八面体。
    可以识别出多条高对称线和点,如图2.16分别用红线和黑点表示。高对称点1BZ通常位于 区域、边豚和面的中心以及角点。它们在固态物理学中发挥着重要作用: 每当我们需要根 据波矢量可视化晶体物理特性时 ${ }^{11}$ ,传统的选择是沿着图 $2.16$ 中红色标记的路径,对应于 所佣的不可约部分的边緣 $1 \mathrm{BZ}$. 为了进一步参考,我们报告了用于 $\mathrm{fcC}$ 晶体的标准标记,以 指示一些高度对称的方向: 连接晶体的三个方向 $\Gamma$ 区域中心到 $X, K ,$ 和 $L$ 点表示为 $\Delta, \Sigma$ ,和 $\Lambda$ ,分别。

物理代写|固体物理代写Solid-state physics代考|Lattice defects

前几节中广泛讨论的平移不变性特性产生了理想的完美晶体结构。如果我们考虞无限晶格 或应用 Born-von Karman 周期性边界条件,这是有效的。虽然在许多情况下有助于发展固 态物理学的本构思想,但这种理想化的情况肯定是对现实的强烈近似:事实上,完美的晶 体并不存在,因为在任何有限的温度下,固态系统确实包含缺陷、ic 晶格缺陷,局部破坏 平移不变性。它们的作用是影响许多物理特性的关键,例如电荷或热能的传输。
我们将通过将简单的热力学论证应用于包含 $N$ 原子并保持在恒定的非消失温度 $T$ 和压力 $P$. 它的能量含量由吉布斯自由能提供 $\mathcal{G}=\mathcal{U}-T S+P V=\mathcal{H}-T S$ ,在哪里 $\mathcal{U}$ 和 $\mathcal{H}=\mathcal{U}+P V$ 分别是内能和焓 (见附录 $\mathrm{C}$ ,参考了本演示中使用的热力学势) 。晶格缺 陷的产生 (我们的意思是: 晶体结构的局部改变) 需要工作
\Delta \mathcal{H f}=\mathcal{H}-\mathcal{H} 0,
称为缺陷的形成能。在这个等式中 $\mathcal{H}_{0}$ 表示原始理想晶体的焓。为了使物理概念清晰,我们 考虑晶格空位和自填隙缺陷的实际情况: 在第一种情况下,单个原子被移除并远离晶体, 而在前一种情况下,一个额外的原子在不对应于任何晶格点的位置添加相同化学性质的晶 体 $^{12}$. 这些缺陷被命名为天然缺陷,因为晶体的化学性质不受它们存在的影响。虽然这些是 具体的(昍现实的)情况,但下面发展的推理将导致普遍有效性的结论。我们将进一步假 设晶体始終处于热力学平衡,即使在其中产生缺陷之后也是如此。关于晶体缺陷形成的更 彻底的讨论见其他地方 $[16,17]$.

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有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


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