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量子力学Quantum mechanics产生于跨越20世纪大部分时间的几代理论物理学家的工作。它的发展始于20世纪20年代对光和电子之间相互作用的描述,最终形成了第一个量子场理论–量子电动力学。随着微扰计算中各种无限性的出现和持续存在,一个主要的理论障碍很快出现了,这个问题直到20世纪50年代随着重正化程序的发明才得以解决。第二个主要障碍是QFT显然无法描述弱相互作用和强相互作用,以至于一些理论家呼吁放弃场论方法。20世纪70年代,规整理论的发展和标准模型的完成导致了量子场论的复兴。
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物理代写|量子力学代写QUANTUM MECHANICS代考|Isometric Evolution
A quantum channel admits a purification as well. We motivate this idea with a simple example.
Example: Isometric Extension of the Bit-Flip Channel
Consider the bit-flip channel from (4.330) —it applies the identity operator with some probability $1-p$ and applies the bit-flip Pauli operator $X$ with probability $p$. Suppose that we input a qubit system $A$ in the state $|\psi\rangle$ to this channel. The ensemble corresponding to the state at the output has the following form:
{{1-p,|\psi\rangle},{p, X|\psi\rangle}},
and the density operator of the resulting state is
(1-p)|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|+p X| \psi\rangle\langle\psi| X
The following state is a purification of the above density operator (you should quickly check that this relation holds):
\sqrt{1-p}|\psi\rangle_A|0\rangle_E+\sqrt{p} X|\psi\rangle_A|1\rangle_E
We label the original system as $A$ and label the purification system as $E$. In this context, we can view the purification system as the environment of the channel.
There is another way for interpreting the dynamics of the above bit-flip channel. Instead of determining the ensemble for the channel and then purifying, we can say that the channel directly implements the following map from the system $A$ to the larger joint system $A E$ :
|\psi\rangle_A \rightarrow \sqrt{1-p}|\psi\rangle_A|0\rangle_E+\sqrt{p} X|\psi\rangle_A|1\rangle_E
We see that any $p \in(0,1)$, i.e., any amount of noise in the channel, can lead to entanglement of the input system with the environment $E$. We then obtain the noisy dynamics of the channel by discarding (tracing out) the environment system $E$.
物理代写|量子力学代写QUANTUM MECHANICS代考|An Isometry is Part of a Unitary on a Larger System
We can view the dynamics in (5.21) as an interaction between an initially pure environment and the qubit state $|\psi\rangle$. So, an equivalent way to implement an isometric mapping is with a two-step procedure. We first assume that the environment of the channel is in a pure state $|0\rangle_E$ before the interaction begins. The joint state of the qubit $|\psi\rangle$ and the environment is
These two systems then interact according to a unitary operator $V_{A E}$. We can specify two columns of the unitary operator (we make this more clear in a bit) by means of the isometric mapping in (5.21):
V_{A E}|\psi\rangle_A|0\rangle_E=\sqrt{1-p}|\psi\rangle_A|0\rangle_E+\sqrt{p} X|\psi\rangle_A|1\rangle_E
In order to specify the full unitary $V_{A E}$, we must also specify how the map behaves when the initial state of the qubit and the environment is
We choose the mapping to be as follows so that the overall interaction is unitary:
V_{A E}|\psi\rangle_A|1\rangle_E=\sqrt{p}|\psi\rangle_A|0\rangle_E-\sqrt{1-p} X|\psi\rangle_A|1\rangle_E
EXERCISE 5.2.2 Check that the operator $V_{A E}$, defined by (5.24) and (5.26), is unitary by determining its action on the computational basis $\left{|00\rangle_{A E},|01\rangle_{A E},|10\rangle_{A E},|11\rangle_{A E}\right}$ and showing that all of the outputs for each of these inputs form an orthonormal basis.
EXERCISE 5.2.3 Verify that the matrix representation of the full unitary operator $V_{A E}$, defined by (5.24) and (5.26), is
\sqrt{1-p} & \sqrt{p} & 0 & 0 \
0 & 0 & \sqrt{p} & -\sqrt{1-p} \
0 & 0 & \sqrt{1-p} & \sqrt{p} \
\sqrt{p} & -\sqrt{1-p} & 0 & 0
by considering the matrix elements $\left\langle\left. i\right|_A\left\langle\left. j\right|_E V \mid k\right\rangle_A \mid l\right\rangle_E$.

物理代写|量子力学代写QUANTUM MECHANICS代考|Isometric Evolution
{{1-p,|\psi\rangle},{p, X|\psi\rangle}},
(1-p)|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|+p X| \psi\rangle\langle\psi| X
\sqrt{1-p}|\psi\rangle_A|0\rangle_E+\sqrt{p} X|\psi\rangle_A|1\rangle_E
还有另一种方法可以解释上述比特翻转信道的动态。我们可以说,通道直接实现了从系统$A$到更大的联合系统$A E$的以下映射,而不是确定通道的集合然后进行净化:
|\psi\rangle_A \rightarrow \sqrt{1-p}|\psi\rangle_A|0\rangle_E+\sqrt{p} X|\psi\rangle_A|1\rangle_E
我们看到,任何$p \in(0,1)$,即信道中任何数量的噪声,都可能导致输入系统与环境$E$的纠缠。然后,我们通过丢弃(跟踪)环境系统$E$来获得信道的噪声动态。
物理代写|量子力学代写QUANTUM MECHANICS代考|An Isometry is Part of a Unitary on a Larger System
然后这两个系统根据一个酉算子$V_{A E}$相互作用。通过(5.21)中的等距映射,可以指定酉算子的两列(稍后会更清楚地说明):
V_{A E}|\psi\rangle_A|0\rangle_E=\sqrt{1-p}|\psi\rangle_A|0\rangle_E+\sqrt{p} X|\psi\rangle_A|1\rangle_E
为了指定完整的酉$V_{A E}$,我们还必须指定当量子位和环境的初始状态时映射的行为
V_{A E}|\psi\rangle_A|1\rangle_E=\sqrt{p}|\psi\rangle_A|0\rangle_E-\sqrt{1-p} X|\psi\rangle_A|1\rangle_E
检查由式(5.24)和式(5.26)定义的运算符$V_{A E}$是统一的,通过确定其在计算基$\left{|00\rangle_{A E},|01\rangle_{A E},|10\rangle_{A E},|11\rangle_{A E}\right}$上的作用,并显示每个输入的所有输出形成一个标准正交基。
验证式(5.24)和式(5.26)定义的全酉算子$V_{A E}$的矩阵表示为
\sqrt{1-p} & \sqrt{p} & 0 & 0 \
0 & 0 & \sqrt{p} & -\sqrt{1-p} \
0 & 0 & \sqrt{1-p} & \sqrt{p} \
\sqrt{p} & -\sqrt{1-p} & 0 & 0
通过考虑矩阵元素$\left\langle\left. i\right|_A\left\langle\left. j\right|_E V \mid k\right\rangle_A \mid l\right\rangle_E$。

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