经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|ECF5040

Doug I. Jones

Doug I. Jones

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经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|ECF5040

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Implications for antitrust policy

As we remarked in the introduction, most economists believe that interventions in the economy should be based on analysis of externalities. We might therefore hope that our explicit analysis of the externalities from a merger in Cournot oligopoly will help us discuss proper policy towards mergers.

Privately unprofitable mergers will not be proposed, so proposed mergers should be permitted unless their external effects are ‘sufficiently’ bad to outweigh their private profitability. In particular, if a proposed merger would have a beneficial external effect, then it should be allowed. ${ }^{19}$ We might be able to identify such cases using equations (15) or (16). In particular, if $\eta>0$ at pre-merger equilibrium then there is some reason to expect the net externality $\Delta W-\Delta \pi^I$ to be positive, unless we have reason to expect $\eta$ to change sign over the course of the merger (regarded as a gradual sequence of fictitious infinitesimal mergers). More rigorously, proposition 5 gives sufficient – but far from necessary – conditions for this inference to be valid. Thus, when the conditions of proposition 5 hold, any privately profitable merger should be permitted.

But a policy that allows only mergers with positive net external effects will be too restrictive to maximize overall economic surplus. Many profitable mergers that involve a negative ‘wedge’ ( $\Delta W-\Delta \pi^I<0$ ) will nevertheless increase total surplus $(\Delta W>0)$. Although we have no formal results for this case, we hope that our externality technique may nevertheless be useful in informing merger policy, as the following diagrammatic framework may illustrate. ${ }^{20}$ In figure 18.1 , a merger is represented by a point whose horizontal component is the net wedge, $\Delta W-\Delta \eta \eta^I$, that it would generate, and whose vertical component is the private profitability, $\Delta \pi^I$. Ideally, we would like to find a policy that would permit exactly those mergers ‘northeast’ of the negatively sloped $45^{\circ}$ line through the origin – that is, those in regions $\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{B}$, and $\mathrm{C}$; those are the ‘socially beneficial’ mergers (those with $\Delta W>0$ ).
In figure 18.1 , we can see why a policy of allowing only mergers with positive net wedges is too restrictive. For if such a policy were implemented, then only mergers in the northeast quadrant (region B) of figure 18.1 will take place (be proposed and approved). It seems worth considering, therefore, whether there is a policy that might allow more of the desirable mergers without also permitting others that are profitable but socially undesirable. Evidently, no policy that does not involve compulsion or subsidies to merger – both of which would be enormous changes from our antitrust policy – can hope to get mergers in region $A$ implemented. We focus, therefore, on whether a policy might be found that would permit us to distinguish proposed mergers in regions $B$ and $C$ (profitable and socially beneficial) from those in region $D$ (profitable but socially harmful).

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Linear demand and quadratic costs

For our second illustration, consider the quadratic cost and linear demand functions used by Perry and Porter (1985), and by McAfee and Williams (1988). Demand is given by $p(X)=A-X$, and costs are given by $c(x, k)=\frac{1}{2} x^2 / k$ at all firms. ${ }^{22}$ This variable cost function, which is dual to the Cobb-Douglas production function $x=\sqrt{L k}$, exhibits constant returns to scale (it is homogeneous of degree one in capital and output). Hence, by proposition 3, every merger reduces output. Proposition 5 applies, and simple calculations show that $\lambda_i=x_i / p=s_i / \varepsilon$. Consequently, a merger surely has a positive externality if
s_I<\frac{1}{\varepsilon} \sum_{i \in O} s_i^2
where these are pre-merger market shares. Thus a merger is more likely to help rivals and consumers jointly if $s_I$ is small – this conforms with standard merger analysis and if the rest of the industry is more concentrated!

The reason for this surprising conclusion is that, in this model, $\lambda_i$ is larger for larger firms $i\left(\lambda_i=x_i / p\right)$. In economic terms, if there are large outsiders, then any reduction in $X_I$ will induce an especially large output response by them – which is just where increases in output are socially most valuable. Concentration among outsiders therefore makes their output response more socially beneficial. If $\lambda_i$ were smaller at larger firms, as can easily happen, ${ }^{23}$ then the outsiders’ output response might either be weakened or less socially beneficial in a more concentrated market. The SalantSwitzer-Reynolds model is a borderline case: $\lambda_i=1$ for all $i$, so that the distribution of market shares among non-participants does not matter there.

Another interesting feature of condition (17) is that a merger is more likely to have a negative external effect, and hence to require careful antitrust scrutiny, when demand is more elastic. The reason is that with elastic demand outsiders’ markups are small, so little welfare benefit is to be had from their increased output (while consumers still suffer from any price increase caused by the merger).

In the linear-quadrant model, unlike the constant marginal cost model, mergers may increase welfare even absent fixed-cost savings. In a previous version of this chapter, we showed, by viewing infinitesimal mergers as transfers of small amounts of capital, that welfare rises $(\Delta W>0)$ if the merging firms are small and the rest of the industry is highly concentrated. ${ }^{24}$ This is so even though there are no synergies, output falls, and concentration increases! Small merging firms have small price-cost margins, so a reduction in their output has little social cost, whereas large non-participant firms increase their output and this is socially valuable. In terms of condition (1), the increase in concentration $d H / H$, outweighs the reduction in output, $d X / X$, yielding an increase in welfare. Thus, as hinted in the introduction, structural changes such as mergers can lead to changes in $H$ and in $W$ that have the same sign, even without synergies. That this can happen more generally, with or without synergies, is shown by proposition 5 .

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|ECF5040


经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Implications for antitrust policy


不会提议私下无利可图的合并,因此应允许提议的合并,除非其外部影响“足够”糟糕以超过其私人盈利能力。特别是,如果拟议的合并会产生有益的外部影响,则应予以允许。19我们也许能够使用等式 (15) 或 (16) 来识别此类情况。特别是,如果这>0在合并前的均衡状态下,有理由预期净外部性丁在−丁π我是积极的,除非我们有理由期待这在合并过程中改变符号(被视为虚构的无穷小合并的渐进序列)。更严格地说,命题 5 给出了使该推论有效的充分条件,但远非必要条件。因此,当命题 5 的条件成立时,任何私人盈利的合并都应该被允许。

但只允许具有积极净外部效应的合并的政策将过于严格,无法最大化整体经济盈余。许多有利可图的合并涉及负面的“楔子”(丁在−丁π我<0) 仍然会增加总剩余(丁在>0). 尽管我们没有针对此案例的正式结果,但我们希望我们的外部性技术在告知合并政策方面仍然有用,如下图框架所示。20在图 18.1 中,合并由一个水平分量为净楔形的点表示,丁在−丁这这我,它会产生,其垂直组成部分是私人盈利能力,丁π我. 理想情况下,我们希望找到一种政策,允许恰好在负斜率的“东北”进行那些合并45∘通过原点的线 – 即区域中的线A,乙, 和C; 这些是“对社会有益”的合并(那些具有丁在>0).
在图 18.1 中,我们可以看到为什么只允许具有正净楔形的合并的政策过于严格。因为如果实施这样的政策,那么只有图 18.1 的东北象限(B 区)的合并会发生(被提议和批准)。因此,似乎值得考虑的是,是否有一项政策可以允许更多理想的合并,同时又不允许其他有利可图但在社会上不受欢迎的合并。显然,任何不涉及合并强制或补贴的政策——这两者都将是我们反托拉斯政策的巨大变化——都不可能希望在该地区获得合并A实施的。因此,我们关注是否可以找到一项政策,使我们能够区分区域中拟议的合并乙和C(有利可图和对社会有益的)来自该地区的人丁(有利可图但对社会有害)。

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Linear demand and quadratic costs

对于我们的第二个例子,考虑 Perry 和 Porter (1985) 以 及 McAfee 和 Williams (1988) 使用的二次成本和线性需 求函数。需求由 $p(X)=A-X$, 成本由下式给出 $c(x, k)=\frac{1}{2} x^2 / k$ 在所有公司。 ${ }^{22}$ 这个可变成本函数, 它是 Cobb-Douglas 生产函数的对偶 $x=\sqrt{L k}$, 表现出 规模报酬不变 (它在资本和产出方面是一级同质的)。因 此,根据命题 3,每次合并都会减少产出。命题 5 适用, 简单计算表明 $\lambda_i=x_i / p=s_i / \varepsilon$. 因此,合并肯定具有 正外部性,如果
s_I<\frac{1}{\varepsilon} \sum_{i \in O} s_i^2 $$ 这些是合并前的市场份额。因此,合并更有可能共同帮助 竞争对手和消费者,如果 $s_I$ 很小——这符合标准的合并 分析,如果其他行业更集中! 得出这个令人惊讶的结论的原因是,在这个模型中, $\lambda_i$ 对于大公司来说更大 $i\left(\lambda_i=x_i / p\right)$. 在经济方面,如果 有大量的外来者,那么任何减少 $X_I$ 将引起他们特别大的 产出反应—一这正是产出增加对社会最有价值的地方。因 此,局外人的集中使他们的输出反应对社会更有利。如果 $\lambda_i$ 在大公司中规模较小,这很容易发生, ${ }^{23}$ 那么在一个 更集中的市场中,局外人的产出反应可能会被捎弱或社会 效益降低。SalantSwitzer-Reynolds 模型是一个临界案 例: $\lambda_i=1$ 对全部 $i$ ,因此非参与者之间的市场份额分配 在那里无关紧要。 条件 (17) 的另一个有趣特征是合并更有可能产生负面的 外部影响,因此当需求更有弹性时需要仔细的反垄断审 查。原因是由于需求富有弹性,外部供应商的加价幅度很 小,因此他们增加的产量所带来的福利收益很小 (而消费 者仍然会因合并引起的任何价格上涨而受到影响)。 在线性象限模型中,与恒定边际成本模型不同,即使没有 固定成本节省,合并也可能增加福利。在本章的前一版本 中,我们通过将无穷小的合并视为少量资本的转移,表明 福利会增加 $(\Delta W>0)$ 如果合并的公司规模较小,而行 业的其余部分高度集中。 ${ }^{24}$ 即使没有协同效应,产量下 降,集中度提高也是如此! 小型合并公司的价格成本利润 率很小,因此减少它们的产量几乎没有社会成本,而大型 非参与公司增加了它们的产量,这具有社会价值。就条件
(1)而言,浓度增加 $d H / H$ ,超过产出的减少, $d X / X$, 带来福利的增加。因此,正如引言中所暗示的那样,合并 等结构性变化可能会导致 $H$ 并在 $W$ 具有相同的标志,即 使没有协同作用。命题 5 表明,无论是否有协同作用, 这都可以更普遍地发生。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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